NHVR Chief says CoR Dictates Truck Drivers First to be Investigated
According to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator CoR chief, truck drivers must be the first to be targeted by authorities because of the current chain of responsibility structure.
ALRTA Responds to NTC Discussion Paper on Primary Duties for COR
Following the release of the NTC Discussion Paper on Primary Duties for Chain of Responsibility Parties and Executive Officer Liability the ALRTA has made a submission to the NTC in response.
New WA COR laws Impact on Freight Transport Companies and Their Insurers
Western Australia’s new chain of responsibility (COR) laws have resulted in expanded risks up and down the supply chain and company hierarchy, which could present serious challenges to freight transport companies and their employers, lawyers say.
Inconsistent Treatment of Vehicle Faults to be Addressed at TMC 2015
The inconsistency in what heavy vehicle inspectors, operators and equipment manufacturers view as a heavy vehicle defect and the severity of a fault will be addressed at the 2015 PACCAR and Dealer TMC.
Fatal Brake Failure results in Record Fine
Comcare has been awarded the largest penalty against an employer over a fatal brake failure incident in 2011.
Report Reveals the Trucking Industry’s Dangerous Driving Culture
A new report from Safe Work Australia made some disturbing revelations which Transport Workers Union boss, with Tony Sheldon demanding action.
According to the report, risk- taking is common in trucking, as is dangerous driving which is a culture entrenched in the industry.