NHVR Scorecard Reveals Industry Acheivements

In March the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) released its first quarterly performance scorecard at the ATA’s national conference. The report highlighted the hard work put in by the regulator and its stakeholders in delivering the desired outcomes for the benefit of the industry. Sal Petroccitto, NHVR Chief Executive speaking at Trucking Australia 2015 in […]

The Trucking Industry’s Call For Consistent Roadworthiness Rules

The trucking industry is still seeking consistency in roadworthiness rules, with the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) putting forward a submission in response the National Transport Commission’s consultation regulatory impact statement on heavy vehicle roadworthiness. The ATA’s Chief Executive, Chris Melham earlier this year called for any changes made to the heavy vehicle roadworthiness system to bring […]


Sting Results in A Dozen Heavy Vehicle Charges

A Carrington RMS operation resulted in 10 drivers being charged with heavy vehicle offences. The operation conducted by police and RMS (Roads and Maritime Services) earlier this year led to almost a dozen oversize and overmass trucks being charged. The Joint Traffic Taskforce sting took place in Carrington in March this year. According to police, […]

ALC Forum Challenges Government To Address Policies Hindering Supply Chain Efficiency

Speaking at the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) 2015 Forum, industry leaders urged the government to ensure their policies were helping and not hindering supply chain efficiency. They called on the government to make sure their policies were supporting the efforts of the industry to improve efficiency rather than hampering industry efforts. ALC Managing Director,Michael Kilgariff […]


Cootes Now One of The Safest Operators on The Road

NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay praised the efforts of trucking company, Cootes Transport, less than 2 years after the fatal Mona Vale crash that one of the company’s vehicles was involved in. The minister said that the company were an example of rehabilitation, and have since become one of the best dangerous goods operators in […]


Victoria Police to Improve Its CoR Investigation Skills

Victoria Police (VicPol), after recognising the need for improvement regarding its chain of responsibility prosecutions are reviewing the way they go about investigating alleged chain of responsibility breaches. Bernie Rankin, head of the Heavy Vehicle Unit within VicPol said they were looking at how they investigate and are aiming to improve it. Detective Inspector Ranking […]