RSRT Inquiry Report Released

An inquiry conducted by the office of Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) Kate Carnell recently found the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) and it’s Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Road Safety Remuneration Order (RSRO) imposed financial and emotional pressures on owner drivers and small business operators. The inquiry came in response to a […]

Heavy Vehicle Regulator Begins NT and WA Leg of Survey

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has commenced its roadworthiness survey inspections in WA and the NT. The NHVR has completed its inspections as part of the survey in other states including NSW, Victoria and Tasmania and is on its final leg of inspections at the moment. The National Roadworthiness Baseline Survey (NRBS) has been […]

Trucking Operator Under The Spotlight Following Crash

NSW traffic and highway patrol command recently conducted a series of raids that revealed a range of defects, work diary breaches and infringements by a heavy vehicle operator in NSW. Following a crash on Monday, 12 September, the operator has been under the spotlight with authorities conducting numerous raids, named Operation Avery. The raid involved […]

NTC Calls for Feedback on Transport Productivity

  The National Transport Commission (NTC) is seeking feedback from industry and government bodies as well as transport operators to help guide decision making around infrastructure investment, industry regulations and operational improvements. The framework is needed to help both the government and the industry monitor national land transport productivity performance. According to NTC chief executive […]

Company Facing $12m Fine For Fatal Crash

Comcare recently announced legal proceedings against the waste management company responsible for a crash in Adelaide in 2014 which killed 2 people. The company is now facing a  fine of up to $12 million as the subject of a complaint and summons lodged in the Magistrates Court of South Australia. Comcare claims the company breached […]

Melbourne Trials Reduced Speed Trial

An 18 month speed trial has kicked off on Melbourne’s Monash Freeway, which involves reducing the speed of trucks to 90km/h along a 10km section of the road between Huntingdale and Jacksons Roads. The trial will cover a stretch of 20km, similarly to another trial already underway on the stretch between High Street in Ashburton […]