Governments Urged to Set Date for New Truck Laws

The state and federal governments must set a start date for the new trucking laws which are coming into effect in 2018, Geoff Crouch, chair of the ATA urged recently. Mr Crouch was speaking in response to media stories over the weekend of 9 and 10 September about truck safety. “The ATA and its members […]

Sydney Police and RMS Blitz Targets Trucks and Trailers

Authorities in New South Wales recently completed the 5th instalment of Operation Catapult, its truck and trailer blitz focusing on heavy vehicle defects and non-compliance in Sydney. During the operation 19 defects were discovered and 15 infringement notices were issued for the 36 heavy vehicles inspected during the week long blitz. The operation was focused […]

Company Gets $275k Fine for Incident That Led to Truck Driver’s Death

A company has been convicted and fined $275,000 after a worker was injured while loading a boom crane onto a parked truck. The worker was injured by a van while on a suburban road. He died a few days later in hospital. The company has pleaded guilty to one charge of failing to provide a […]

ATA Changes TruckCare Name

The ATA has changed the name of its animal welfare component currently known as TruckCare, to be renamed the Animal Welfare Module. According to the national manager, Justin Fleming, this is to align with the overall focus of the TruckSafe module. He explained that the new name better reflects the module’s focus, which is about […]

Driver Fined for Breaching Driving Laws through Adelaide Hills

A truck driver travelling on the South Eastern Freeway through the Adelaide Hills have been fined for breaking driving laws after police spotted the B-Double with smoky brakes. The heavy vehicle was subsequently stopped and police discovered the brake temperatures between 201C to 270C. The truck and both trailers were found to be defective and […]

Speeding Truckies Could Lose their Licence Under New SA Law

With proposed new laws truck drivers caught speeding on one of SA’s major road freight corridors will lose their license automatically and be slapped with harsher penalties which may include imprisonment. The new legislation was recently outlined by Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan,which will affect 12,500 trucks that travel down the South Eastern Freeway each week.This […]