Self-driving Heavy Vehicle involved in Crash on Day of Launch
A self-driving bus (shuttle) carrying passengers in Las Vegas was recently involved in a crash on the day of its launch. In fact it only took 2 hours for the crash to occur after the vehicle made its debut on public roads. Thankfully the crash was minor and involved a lorry that hit into the […]
Wave at a Truckie
One driver, Doug Kirby is attempting to bring back mateship and fun in the industry with an initiative called Wave at a Truckie Day and as its name suggests, all it takes is a wave. Wave at a Truckie Day was held on November 22 and all drivers were asked to do is wave at […]
First Electric Highway in USA Up and Running
Although electric highways aren’t a new concept, the first one in the United States recently began operating and it is hoped the dynamic charging will significantly decrease carbon emissions from heavy vehicles. With the Australian government also recently announcing its plans to build an electric super highway you may want to know how it works, […]
Cyclist Killed after Colliding with Truck
A cyclist was recently killed after being involved in a crash with a truck in Melbourne’s inner north suburb of Northcote. The tragic incident happened on Victoria Road between Darebin Road and Separation Street around 8am, outside the Northcote Aquatic and Recreaction Centre. The male cyclist died on the scene and the truck driver was […]
Amazing Truck Driving Skills
If you thought you had skills, let’s see if you can compare with these skilled semi truck drivers? Let’s watch these heavy vehicle drivers get out of and through some tight spaces,
Sleep Deprivation as Bad as Alcohol
While we’re already aware of the risks of fatigue driving, a new study drives home the point that sleep deprivation negatively affects brain function. In fact sleep deprivation affects brain cell communication similarly to the way alcohol does. You wouldn’t drive drunk, so why drive tired? According to a study by researchers at the University […]