Press Release
ALC Press Release â State Budget Recognises Importance of Freight to Victorian Economy â 6 May 2014
Officers seized several documents from the company last week and examined 11 trucks. South Australia Police claims the trucks had several mechanical problems, including serious brake deficiencies. Detective Chief Inspector Greg Hutchins has used the incident to remind the trucking industry of its responsibility for the welfare and safety of employees.
McAleese loses its Top Managers
Garaty and Nunn go as Rowsthorn and Telford assume roles of CEO and chairman respectively ATN reported the following on 28th March: McAleese Group CEO Paul Garaty and CFO Chris Nunn are to leave the firm. The move follows a management review. Don Telford, currently an independent Non-Executive Director, will become Chairman, with Wayne Kent […]
Industry responds to Four Corners…
Industry responds to Four Corners critique on safety – shared from the Australian Logistics Council website
These keep Australia running!
These keep Australia running!
ALC Submission to the Chain of Responsibility Review
ALC is represented on the Chain of Responsibility (COR) Taskforce, which was established by transport ministers to review the application of COR under the Heavy Vehicle National Law. As part of this work, the NTC has released an options paper<> which has been developed by the Taskforce to help identify potential improvements to the COR […]