
CoR Australia provides briefing to Board members on national CoR obligations and compliance strategies.

CoR Australia is at the forefront of CoR Compliance implementation in Australia.  As an active member of the Australian Logistics Council, ATA NSW and Queensland Trucking Association, CoR Australia maintains close connection with the Supply Chain and Logistics industry to ensure all our consultants have a detailed understanding of current industry issues.

CoR Australia is a participating member on the Safety Committee and Supply Chain Standards Working Group for the Australian Logistics Council and GS1, which provides a unique opportunity to support and direct the industry in developing programs relating to Chain of Responsibility, Fatigue Management and Loading and Unloading, Codes of Practice and Standards, across Australasia.

Directors often select this option where the Board of Directors considers they:

  • may not have a Director with knowledge in CoR and/or OHS
  • may not have sufficient information on compliance frameworks generally or for CoR in particular
  • need to reset the company’s governance of CoR issues

The briefing is generally between 45 minutes to an hour focused on CoR compliance and governance and tailored to meet the supply chain role and interface.

CoR Australia has found that the briefing empowers the Board to set the CoR agenda for the company and to improve performance.