Authorities Amp up Heavy Vehicle Safety Testing in Victoria

Authorities Amp up Heavy Vehicle Safety Testing in Victoria

Authorities Amp up Heavy Vehicle Safety Testing in Victoria

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VicRoads have issued heavy vehicle operators with a warning as they beef up heavy vehicle safety testing in the state.

Operators need to ensure their fleets are in a roadworthy condition and well maintained to avoid the wrath of VicRoads authorities, who are out in full force conducting roadside inspections as part of Operation Trishula.

The Transport Safety Services (TSS) team, part of VicRoads will be undertaking the on-going campaign to identify unroadworthy heavy vehicles and improve safety on the state’s roads.

The latest efforts by Vic Roads follow the revelation that some 89.6 per cent of heavy vehicles tested in the eastern and western suburbs failed safety tests. Of the 250 heavy vehicles tested, a staggering 224 failed safety tests during the recent inspections. This prompted VicRoads Director Regulatory Services, Eric Henderson to warn,

“The numbers don’t lie. There are too many heavy vehicle operators ignoring their business and social responsibilities,”  

“The majority of heavy vehicle companies operate stringent vehicle maintenance programs, but it is clear from our target testing that some business owners do not regularly maintain their fleet.”


Victorian Police, WorkSafe and Vic Roads are collaborating to conduct Operation Trishula. In a period of 5 days, authorities tested 155 vehicles and detected 90 major defects. They also detected 44 minor defects.

In the Western suburbs, authorities inspected 97 vehicles and discovered 57 major and 33 minor defects.

VicRoads also made clear its efforts to increase pre-emptive, direct communications with small and medium-heavy vehicle owners, informing them beforehand of on-site visits. By giving them advanced notice, business owners will have the opportunity to service and repair vehicles to a timeline, as well as help them raise standards and avoid the unnecessary financial penalties associated with defects.

Mr Henderson went on to explain:

“Our message to all road users is to maintain year round vehicle maintenance and follow regular service schedules,” Henderson said. “In particular, we encourage heavy vehicle business owners to ensure they operate safe vehicles as we continue our random, targeted, roadside and on-site inspections.” 


In addition to vehicle maintenance requirements, do you know all your responsibilities under Chain of Responsibility legislation? This is important because everyone involved in the road freight supply chain is held responsible for their actions under Australian Chain of Responsibility legislation.

To find out more about Chain of Responsibility legislation and training, click here.