NHVAS review underway

NHVAS Review Underway


NHVAS review underway

Source: PrimeMover

People in the road freight industry will be interested in noting that The National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) is currently under review as part of the joint initiative between the National Transport Commission (NTC) and The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). The review forms part of the Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Program.

In coming weeks, the NTC and the NHVR will discuss a range of possible measures with industry and government stakeholders.

According to a recent article on PrimeMoverMeg.com.au, both the NTC and NHVR have released 2 reports for the comment on the potential improvements to safety outcomes for the heavy vehicle industry. This forms part of the Roadworthiness Program. (The reports can both be viewed on either organisations website).

As the writer of the post on PrimeMoverMeg.com.au points out the Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Program is the first major initiative undertaken by the NHVR and the NTC under the memorandum of understanding between the two organisations which they both recently agreed upon.

The objective of the program is to construct policy and measures that are realistic, in order to achieve an improved national heavy vehicle roadworthiness system.

The following excerpt taken from the article explains:

The Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Program has two parts – including a review into the effectiveness of heavy vehicle inspections conducted by the NTC; and a review of the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) conducted by the NHVR.

Read more at: http://www.primemovermag.com.au

Undoubtedly the recent non-compliance issues which have resulted in major road incidents have highlighted the need for an improvement in heavy vehicle inspection processes, this is one of the aims of the Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Program. The article went on to explain:

The purpose of the Heavy Vehicle Roadworthiness Program is to develop options and recommendations for improving heavy vehicle inspection regimes – periodic and on-road compliance inspections, including operational reforms and as necessary, regulatory amendments. The NHVAS will look at substantive requirements, governance and administrative model – including the detailed implementation and operation of the maintenance management module.

Initial recommendations are expected to be delivered from late 2014, with final proposals for the improvement of the roadworthiness systems by mid-2015.

The NHVR has appointed Ms Jan Powning as Manager of the NHVAS Review.

Read more at: http://www.primemovermag.com.au

According to the NHVR website, as the review continues those involved will table issues such as

  • The definition of roadworthiness
  • How to improve education and training, especially relating to operator’s responsibilities
  • Chain of Responsibility duties relating to the improvement of roadworthiness of heavy vehicles
  • A standardised second party inspection system
  • A more distinct method of determining when and how defects are issued and cleared
  • A strong accreditation and safety management system to bolster the NHVAS audit system.

Phase 1 and 2 can be viewed on their website here

Phase 3 of the Program will involve recommendations being added to a draft Regulatory Impact Statement which will be examined by Australia’s transport ministers in November.

After this there will be a national consultation held during which the final proposed improvements and changes will be discussed.

On the NHVR’s website, NHVR Chief Executive, Sal Petroccitto explained:

“I encourage anyone interested in better safety outcomes for the heavy vehicle industry to take the time to read the reports and get involved,”

“Road safety professionals and transport company fleet managers should particularly study the concepts of ‘defence in depth’ which are presented in this paper as a model for assessing the integrity of the current national roadworthiness system.”

Source: https://www.nhvr.gov.au